There are several benefits related to the utilization of the TWT system other than lower or no energy bills.
  • Safety: Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) and concrete masonry unit (CMU) block construction is much stronger than typical wood frame construction. Tests have shown that ICF walls can withstand flying debris from tornadoes and hurricanes with wind speeds of up to 250 mph. And the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends ICF construction for building tornado-resistant safe rooms.
  • Comfort and quiet: The same energy saving feature the insulated thermal mass offers also applies to absorbing sound. The ConcreteNetwork estimates the greater mass of the concrete can reduce sound penetrating through a wall by more than 80% when compared to stick-built construction.
  • The TWT structure is extremely tight and limits unwanted air infiltration. So tight in fact a fresh air exchanger is required. This feature enables the filtration of dust and pollen limiting indoor pollutants.
  • Pest resistant: ICFs and concrete are an unappealing food source for termites, carpenter ants or rodents. The extreme tightness of the structure also eliminates most entry paths for anything that crawls.
  • Healthier indoor environment: ICF and CMU walls contain no organic material, so they won’t support the growth of mold, mildew and other potentially harmful microorganisms. They also reduce the infiltration of air that can bring in outside allergens. The polystyrene foam used in many ICF walls and integrated CMU walls is completely nontoxic and free of formaldehyde, asbestos and fiberglass. In areas where radon is a concern, ICF foundation walls help to minimize the leakage of radon gas into homes and buildings. It should be noted that TWT homes are very tight and will require an appropriate ventilation system.
  • Fire resistant: Insurance companies recognize concrete as being safer than most other forms of construction. The plastic foams used in ICFs won’t add fuel to a fire because they are treated with flame retardants to prevent them from burning. In fire-wall tests, ICF and concrete walls withstood continuous exposure to intense flames and temperatures of up to 2,000˚F for as long as 4 hours without structural failure.
  • Longevity: ICF and CMU structures are extremely structurally sound and generally require less maintenance than frame construction.
  • Much of the cooling benefits will be achieved solely by the presence of the thermal amelioration properties of the thermal mass.

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