The goal of the 3rd Millennium Project is to introduce the Thermal Wall Technology (TWT), an innovative, holistic construction technique greatly enhancing the ability to achieve net-zero energy construction.



The direct benefit associated with the technology is the transition toward global sustainability, of which human shelter is a major component.

Secondary benefits include substantial reductions in the use of fossil fuels and related reductions in air and water pollution, including carbon dioxide emissions. 



The demonstration model will consist of a single-sided insulated concrete form (SSICF) structure constructed with the Thermal Wall Technology. Heating systems consisting of: heat pump, solar thermal hydronic collectors for space heating and domestic hot water, and passive solar features for system balancing and optimization. Analytical monitoring instrumentation will be installed to collect the structures heat inputs, heat outputs and system operation time and efficiency levels. An ambient weather monitoring station will record, the time and levels of sunlight, temperatures, humidity and wind. Analytical data and analysis on the TWT system will be collected for two or more years.

Total cost of the project over a 4-year time frame is estimated at $1,300,000.

Why 4 years: one year in the planning phase, one year for construction and at least two years of analytical data collection.



The 3rd Millennium Project, with the activation of this website will actively initiate solicitation for sponsorships. To date the project has pledges of $150,000.


  • Utilization of the demonstration project for company or organizational marketing, advertising and educational material.
  • Videography of the sponsor's products and logos. Sponsor may utilize the demonstration project for enhanced video advertising beyond the website and PBS planned videography.
  • Recognition and logos on the website. Each sponsor will be provided ample web page space to highlight their products and services and appropriate links to their websites. The website will be maintained for at least 5-years following the completion of the demonstration project.
  • Recognition in the book on products and services provided.
  • Logos on printed materials and media materials.
  • Logos and recognition on all video material. The video material will highlight the sponsors products and services. Some advertising restrictions will apply to the PBS programming.
  • Mike Sandefur, the innovator or an assign, per agreement, will provide appearances and presentations at trade shows, conferences and assist with marketing and sales.
  • The social and economic benefit of participating in one of the most significant advancements in the evolution of human shelter.

In addition to your products, your sponsorship will provide: resources for pre-construction design and modeling, post-construction analysis, video development and ongoing webpage management. Videography of the project construction in a format suitable for PBS, DVDs and web-viewing is planned.

The promotion of the technology and products will be disseminated in a variety of venues:

  • The program will be actively shared with the U.S. Department of Energy and other related governmental agencies both in the U.S. and internationally.
  • Trade publications will be solicited for feature articles.
  • Universities, other educational institutions, and research institutions will be engaged through an outreach program.
  • Nonprofit organizations related to energy, environmental, ecology and construction will be provided information packets.
  • Project updates and periodic press releases on the status of the project and the energy efficiency performance will be released to the entities listed above and posted to the website.
  • Following performance monitoring data analysis, a second edition to the book is planned.

Sponsors are welcomed and encouraged to engage entities in promotion of the technology.

For information on sponsorship please email inquiries to: Mike@3rdMillennimuProject.org

Individual donations of any amount are welcomed; however, please note at this time donations are not tax deductible.